Epigenetic Hair Profiler Test & Analysis
Service Description
Epigenetics, which is the interaction between environmental signals and the process of adaptation that living systems use to thrive. Epigenetics is shaping the way we approach wellness; proving that the environment is the key to how our genes express and the way this impacts our daily wellness & illness prevention regimes. Most of us are living well below our optimum gene expression meaning that we are not achieving our true potential. The science of epigenetics has discovered that up to 98% of our genetic expression is influenced by our environment; through factors almost completely under our control. This information liberates each and every one of us from the old genetic dogma and belief that we have to live with our genes, state of wellness, performance or daily lives. The truth is that we have much more control than we were ever led to believe and by taking back control we can change our lives for the better. Optimize reports are designed with you in mind and created using information from your own quantum energy field that is of high relevance to you. The reports focus on your food and nutrition choices and provide clear information to help you implement a food regime that will optimize gene expression for wellness, sports performance, beauty and aging and weight & shape. “Optimize your nutrition choices by understanding the epigenetic influences which will support better gene expression for your wellness.”
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